Posted in Announcements
Registration is upon us for next fall — we have an exciting array of courses in store!
ENST 110-01 Environment & Society MW 3:30-4:45pm (Martha Weiss & Randall Amster) ICC 101
ENST 120-01 Environmental Science for a Changing World TR 11am-12:15pm (Angela van Doorn) WAL 399 (SFA)
ENST 145-01/146-01 Climate Storytelling/Climate Action TR 2-3:15pm (Wesley Della Volla) (Core Pathways, 1.5 credits each in the module A & B blocks of the semester) WGR 213 (HALC)
ENST 161-01 Urban Foraging M 2-3:15pm (Martha Weiss) (1 credit) REGH 353
ENST 180-03 Interface of Humans & Nature TR 11am-12:15pm (Cynthia Wei) ICC 231 (SFA)
ENST 180-04 Interface of Humans & Nature TR 3:30-4:45pm (Cynthia Wei) CBN 317 (SFA)
ENST 180-05 The Science of Water M 6:30-9pm (Douglas Howard) CBN 315 (SFA)
ENST 220-01 Environmental Science MW 11am-12:15pm (Angela van Doorn) REI 261A (SFA)
ENST 242-01 Environmental Action Workshop R 2-4:30 (Randall Amster & TBA) ICC 105
ENST 290-01 Environmental Communication T 5-7:30pm (Victoria Herrmann) WAL 492